Saturday, June 17, 2017

“The Chinese Commercial Contract Discussion” by Polina Shinkina

Each Unit of the textbook “The Chinese Commercial Contract Discussion” by Polina Shinkina includes the main text, list of characters used in the Unit, exercises on character study and character decomposition, grammar exercises on general questions study, exercises on the Chinese numerals study and The Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance for the Unit.

The main purpose of this book is developing speaking skills by means of studying general questions.

The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Chinese textbook: “Trading Email Writing for Beginners”

Polina Shinkina has just self-published “Trading Email Writing for Beginners” on

The five standard emails provided in this textbook are written in full compliance with the modern Chinese email correspondence specific requirements to the email text layout, usage of standard lexicology and stylistics, introduction and closing phrases.

The email texts are followed by detailed wordings which facilitate and speed up the learning process.

This textbook is specially designed as a beginning course for the Chinese language learners who are willing to be successfully employed in the area of the international trading relations.

It also can be used by the Chinese language teachers as a supplementary material in their Chinese business writing lessons.

The first and unique Chinese email textbook for beginners!!!
Trading Email Writing for Beginners